Here it is!!!

Gepostet am Okt 10, 2024

After having completed the first version of „death in my life“ it actually took a while longer than I had expected to finally make the way to publishing it.

Whereas I initially hoped to have found some of my good friends ready to review my work in order to clean out the largest amount of my mistakes in my English language, which might otherwise have appeared either a bit „rusted and dusted“ or at estranged from everyday use.

Due to a lot of different, undeniable reasons, both of them could not possibly manage to do this review work on a level, that they personally would have been satisfied with, so the whole project had to face another delay.

Finally, I had to realize that two years can pass by astonishingly quickly, but well – here it is!!!

„Death in my life“ is out now – it can be purchased as an e-book since October 6th 2024 and the print version will be available soon within the upcoming two weeks.

Why is this project so important to me? Isn’t this just a translation of „Mein Leben mit dem Tod“, which was already published in 2017?

For those you, who are capable of speaking and reading German  as well as English language, this may be the whole meaning of it, but to me, it’s far more than just that.

„Death in my life“ is my opportunity to share my impressions, emotions, experience and the resulting attitude towards life and death, which I put into my first book, with all of my „non-German-speaking“ friends and eventually the so-called rest of the world.

With this thought, I appreciate each and everyone – be it German- or English-speaking – who takes his or her time to read „death in my life“ and I am very much looking forward to receiving your feedback, either by mail or on instagram, personally or via any other way, you manage to reach me.

Cheers, Tom.

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